December 17, 2012

Specifying data

Looking for more concrete information about Inditex we can find the following data in the results of the 31st of January, 2012: 

  • The amount of capital since 2001 has been 93,500,000. From 1992 to 2000, capital was 92,556,000. And before 1992, capital totalled just 2,404,000.
  • Tangible assets totalled 147,425,000 (property, plant and equipment, fixed assets in progress and advances, technical fittings and other tangible assets).
  • Intangible assets totalled 25,673,000 formed by development, concessions, patents, licences, trademarks and similars, goodwill, software, investigation and other intangible assets. Patents, licences, trademarks and similars make a total of 4,390,000; the software makes a total of 11,549,000 and other intangible assets make a total of 9,734,000. The amount of the other ones is not specified,
  • Long term provisions totalled 52,180,000 (long term staff benefits obligations, environmental actions, restructuring provisions, etc).
  • Depreciation has increased in the last years. Jan, 2012: 38,669,000; Jan, 2011: 32,193,000; Jan, 2010: 30,382,000; Jan, 2009: 26,999,000; Jan, 2008: 26,790,000...

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